Friday, October 26, 2012

The Gift of Bananas

Donovan, one of our church members, shared a story his family had experienced in the midst of last minute grocery shopping on the Saturday night of Thanksgiving weekend. He and his wife had divvied up the shopping list and were waiting in the check-out line. Melissa noted that she had forgotten to pick-up bananas so quickly went to the fruit area to get some. She returned with the sad news that the bananas were all gone and no more were coming until the following week.
As they were wondering what they would substitute for their kids who loved bananas, the lady in front of them turned and handed them her bundle of bananas. “Here, take these – I don’t need them that badly. I can wait until next week.” Despite their protests, she insisted that they take her bananas. Her willing sacrifice became a “gift of bananas” for a family whose children would really appreciate them.

As Donovan related this story he was moved to tears. Gratitude welled up as he reflected on a God who cared so much for them that He had provided this “gift of bananas” through the kindness of a complete stranger. At this thanksgiving time of year it was a great story to remind us of God’s gracious provision and His desire for us to exercise a spirit of love and generosity in giving to meet the needs of people around us.

This kind act of a “gift of bananas” which this unnamed woman did for the Mercer family is what you and I can do each day for others. Keep your eyes and ears open to the opportunities to share God’s love in “random acts of kindness”.

My wife, Mary, and I were in the Morden Westside Community Church in mid October. The leadership of the church was encouraging their congregation to get involved in “Mission Possible”. The previous week congregants had been given an envelope with a $5 bill inside. Their mission (should they choose to accept) was to look for a creative way to use that $5 to bless someone else that week. One of the women shared that as she had observed volunteer staff working with immigrants and admired their patience and kindness as they dealt with each individual she felt God wanted her to bless them with coffee and donuts. She used the $5 bill plus more of her own money to bring them a refreshing break in the late morning during a lull in their meetings. She told them how impressed she was with the kind manner in which they treated each person and she wanted to bless them with the gift of coffee and donuts. She was amazed at the response – they were overwhelmed by this one act of kindness on her part. Several of the volunteers broke into tears and said that no one had ever acknowledged their work before. They were touched by the fact that she had observed and taken time to encourage them.

That following week the churches in Morden were encouraging their members to participate in  a “Love Morden Week”. People who are part of a small group in their church were to come up with an idea of how to love their city. Some suggestions were to bless a business with baking, doing yard work for some seniors, fill up windshield washer fluid for cars at a gas station. In their own way they are “giving the gift of bananas” and brightening someone else’s day.

The Bible often exhorts us to be kind, generous and gracious in our dealings with others. Proverbs 11:25 NLT says: “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

What “gift of bananas” can you give to someone today to brighten their day and encourage them? Your act of kindness may influence others to give thanks to God for you and remind them of God’s care for them. “For the Lord God is our sun and shield. He gives grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.” (Psalm 84:11 NLT)