Easter and Hope are synonymous. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the king-pin upon which Christianity stands or crumbles. If Christ has not been raised from the dead then life is futile, our faith is futile. But the ringing message of the gospel is that Christ has been raised from death, just as He said He would. The Resurrection substantiates Christ’s claim that He is the Son of God. No other prophet of any religion has come back from the dead.
The implications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ must be considered honestly. The Apostle Paul states in Acts 17:30, 31: “God commands all men everywhere to repent because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this by raising Him from the dead.”
Michael Green, British theologian, Anglican priest, Christian apologist and author states: “If Jesus is, as the resurrection asserts, God Himself who has come to our rescue, then to reject Him, or even to neglect Him, is sheer folly. That is why Jesus is not, never has been, & never can be just one among the religious leaders of mankind.”
The Gospels assert that the people who met the living resurrected Christ were profoundly changed in their lives. That is what the Christian life is all about. Real Christianity is friendship with the risen Jesus. It is knowing this vibrant, living Person for yourself. It turns your whole life sunny side up.
Getting to know Jesus changes a person. The gospel writers tell the story of those who first encountered the living Christ and became transformed people. Mary and the other women who came to the tomb and the disciples all were surprised by joy! The experience of the women upon hearing the Good News that Jesus was alive - Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, Joanna (Mark includes Salome) was that “they were afraid, yet filled with joy!” (Matthew 28:8)
The two disciples on the road to Emmaus were facing an uncertain and bleak future (Luke 24:13-49). Their hopes were dashed. They had heard from the women that Jesus was alive, but they hadn’t seen him. It seemed a cruel hoax. But Jesus came to them and they were transformed in their behaviour and attitude. The disciples were “filled with joy and amazement” (Luke 24:41). “The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.” (John 20:20) They were filled with joy, hope and excitement because Jesus is alive!
Just like the discouraged disciples on road to Emmaus we need to encounter the risen, living Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jesus comes to us in our hurts, disappointments and pain and brings us hope and joy! In Jesus we experience the joy of sins forgiven, the assurance of being loved with an everlasting love; a joy that rises even in the midst of pain, sorrow, suffering and misunderstanding. When we know Jesus, our illnesses don’t seem as serious; our fears fade and lose their grip; our grief over those who’ve gone on is diminished; our desire to press on in spite of difficulty is renewed.
A dear friend from Cranberry Portage is dying of cancer. She has battled cancer twice before but this time the dreaded disease is winning. When doctors informed her that she had only several weeks to live her response was: “Just think, in just a few short weeks I get to see Jesus and be with Him forever!” That is what the power of the risen Christ in a believer does – it transforms a person from despair and hopelessness to joy and hope in the promise of the Risen Lord who declared, “I am the Resurrection and the Life; the one who believes in Me shall live even if he dies…” (John 12:25)
In my own battle with cancer I find great comfort and strength in the promises of God’s Word and the power of Christ’s presence in my life. This month marks the 10 anniversary of the loss of a beloved son to suicide after an agonizing battle with schizophrenia. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead and His promise of eternal life give us comfort and hope of being reunited with him and courage to face each new day with confidence.
Have you met the living, Christ? You do so by faith. Jesus said: “Blessed are those who did not see, and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) John wrote his gospel “so that we might know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31) His death and resurrection has made possible a relationship with God, forgiveness of sin and a certain future - an inheritance which can never spoil or fade away. Because of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead we have hope and joy in our lives!
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